Ziber Education training for teachers
We understand that you don't always want to spend your teachers' time on long courses. We have therefore ensured that the teacher can get the most out of Ziber Education in a short time.
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What will you learn during the training?

You will first receive a presentation of the Ziber platform, so that the various components and apps are briefly discussed and it is clear which terms are used. Then we give a live demo.


Ziber Teamapp

The school team uses the Ziber Teamapp with which all parent communication can be controlled with 1 remote control! Discover how easy it is to share a message with photos or video with parents. How to set up a non-sotren feature so you don't get notifications all the time. Find out how to invite parents for a 10-minute conversation or how to enter an absence for a child. Have a private conversation with a parent? That will be explained to you and also how you can turn it into a group discussion, if necessary. And so forth,..


Ziber Kwieb - the parent app

Parents use the parent app Kwieb, where everything revolves around their child! What can parents do in the app and how do you control it? How does the parent start a conversation with someone from school? How does a parent schedule the 10-minute conversation? How does a parent set his/her privacy and not forget the privacy of the child? How does the app take into account divorced parents (who no longer get along well)? How does a parent share their information with other parents? And so forth,...


Child center?

If you are part of a Child Center as a school, the various Ziber Zones will also be offered in the explanation, with which several organizations (Reception, Education, Library, Parent Council, MR, etc.) can communicate via the Kwieb parent app.


Group training at your school

We visit your school and teach you how to work with the Ziber Education platform. The teachers can bring their own device (tablet, mobile) to apply all functions directly during the training.

The costs for the training at your school are 350 euros (excl. VAT).

(Maximum 30 people)

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Online training

We can also provide online training for you via Teams or Google Meet. You will receive a 'live' explanation about all components. Of course there is room for questions and we can go deeper into specific topics that are important to your educational institution.

The costs for an online training are 125 euros (excl. VAT).

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Request a demo

Plan a 1-on-1 consultation without obligation with us and discover everything about the Kwieb parent app!