
Conversation function Topics!

Even easier communication between teacher & parents via the conversation function Topics!

Get started with Topics! 

Start a conversation between teacher and parents now with the new chat function Topics. Send each other short messages focused on one topic (one Topic). 

Choose your Topic

To start a chat conversation with the teacher, the parent can choose a Topic via the Fiep app . In addition, the parent chooses a reason for starting this Topic from the preset Topics topics. The reason may be a question about homework, a compliment for the teacher, requesting leave or maybe the parent has a nice idea for the school. 

One Topic

By choosing a topic to start the message, the conversations remain tied to the topic that has been chosen, and the parent and teacher choose a topic and short description. Then they can easily respond to each other. When the conversation is finished, the teacher can close and archive the conversation. 

Receive a notification

When there is a response to your Topic, you will immediately receive a push or e-mail notification via the app.
