Ziber Education for the parent council (OR)

Send a payment request online for collecting the voluntary parental contribution, a school trip, evening four days, (craft) supplies or other activities around the school or child center. Want to send a message of the minutes of the last meeting? Or invite the parents to an activity? The Kwieb parent app brings the parent council into contact with the parents of the school or child center.

Collect parental contribution? Reach all parents of the school

Easy to reach all parents of the school? The Kwieb app makes it very easy for the parent council from now on to collect the voluntary parental contribution. The parent council sends a payment request online with the Kwieb app and thus reaches all parents immediately. Collecting online payments via the Kwieb app is safe and also saves time.

Ouderraad Notulen

Sending minutes of the last meeting

Want to easily keep parents informed of the past meeting? The parent council can easily send the parents a message via Kwieb with the minutes as an attachment. The parents see in Kwieb that the message comes from the parent council and can download the minutes.

Request to participate activity

Want to know who will be attending the next meeting? Or plan activities such as the evening four days. As a parent council, you can easily create activities in which you can ask the parents to participate.

Ouderraad Vergadering

Know what Ziber Education for the parent council
of your school can mean?

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