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Ukrainian now also available as a language!

With Kwieb you involve all parents in the school, even if they do not yet master the Dutch language. 

Translation function of Kwieb

With the translation function of Kwieb , parents get information from school automatically translated into their own preferred language. This way, you can also reach these parents and they will never miss an important message. Good to know is that when a parent responds in their own language, you will of course also see this in your own preferred language in the Gnap team app.  

Ukrainian now also available! 

Many schools will have to deal with students from Ukraine. Especially for the parents of these children it is so important to be able to communicate well with the school. The Ukrainian language is now available in the Kwieb parent app.

Available languages

There are quite a few languages available in Kwieb including Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, English, Hungarian, Somali, German, Catalan, Hindi, French, Turkish, Chinese (simplified), Polish, Arabic, Tigrinya, Persian, Dari, Urdu, Russian, Myanmar (burmese), Vietnamese. For the current list, see our support page.

Are you missing a language?

Are you missing a language for your school's parents? Feel free to contact us via support@ziber.nl and we will see what we can do for you. 

Topics (the chat function) is currently the only function not yet available for the translation function, but we are working on this!
