Messages, calendar or poll - the translation feature already worked for most of the Ziber parent app's features, except for the Topics. We are proud to say that Topics now also has the translation function!
What are Topics?
Topics are short chat conversations between parents and teachers of a school. Via the Ziber parent app, they can chat with each other in a safe way about a certain topic (Topic). In addition to messages, attachments can also be shared with each other via Topics , such as photos and documents.
Speak the parent's language
Having a conversation with foreign-speaking parents can sometimes be a challenge for a teacher. Especially online it is nice if you know that the message to the parent has come across well.
With the translation function of Ziber , this is no longer a problem. With Ziber you speak all languages!
Automatic translation
With Topics , you can have a complete conversation with a parent, in his or her own language. The messages are translated, without you having to do anything, into the "preferred language" set in the profile, so you as a teacher can simply send a message from your own language and the parent reads the message in his preferred language (and vice versa). Very handy!
Group conversations
It is even possible to have group conversations in which parents, who speak different languages, can participate. The conversation is translated into their own language for everyone.