
Extra languages in Kwieb!

Keep everyone engaged

The Kwieb parent app now supports even more languages, keeping more parents connected to your school/child center. The languages that have been added include Somali, Hindi, Arabic and Chinese.

Preferred languages in Kwieb 

The languages that parents can currently choose in the Kwieb app are; Dutch, English, German, French, Polish, Spanish, Hungarian, Catalan, Turkish, Arabic, Portuguese, Somali, Hindi and Chinese (simplified). 

How does it work? 

When the parent chooses their preferred language in the Kwieb app, the Kwieb app will work directly in that language. In addition, messages and activities that the school shares with parents (in Dutch) will also be automatically translated into the parent's preferred language. This makes it all very easy for the teacher! 

Where does the parent set the language? 

The parent can set or change the preferred language at any time via the parent profile. That can be found in the top left of the Kwieb . See also this explanation for parent:  


Do you need a specific language for Kwiebat your school? Let us know via support@ziber.nl, so that we can see if we could support that language. 

The Ziber Team 
