Student Council
Own Zone in Ziber Team
Does your school use Ziber Team ? Then you can have a separate Ziber Zone created for the student council in Ziber Team, where the school naturally retains control. The student council can then communicate with parents of the school. For example, students can share a news update with the parents or even share a statement via a poll . This way, the student council is seriously involved in the school and students can gain experience in a safe way.
Establishing a student council
Organize elections for the student council, where students elect representatives per age group. Via Kwieb you can easily share the information with parents and via the Poll you can organize the election where every child (via the parents) gets a vote. Give a clear job description, such as representing students and contributing ideas for improvement. Plan regular meetings, which will be in the agenda of Kwieb , to discuss school matters and ideas.
Involve in decision-making
As a school principal, you can ask the student council for input on school policy and events, give them responsibility for projects such as a school party, and let them address concerns of fellow students, such as improvements to the school environment. Through Kwieb , the student council can then inform parents about their tasks and choices they are allowed to make. In this way, through the parents, these conversations also reach the living rooms of students and children at home.
Active participation in school activities
Involve the student council in organizing events, social initiatives such as environmental projects and anti-bullying campaigns, and supporting charities by coordinating actions and awareness. By giving them their own Ziber Team Zone , they also become creative in using the communication possibilities and reaching parents in carrying out all their tasks.
A positive learning experience
Let the members of the student council develop as leaders by giving them responsibility and involving them in decisions that affect them. Give the students the space to express themselves, both in meetings and through other creative forms of communication such as writing a blog on the website or sending a general message to parents in the Kwieb app .
Weekly news from students
As a school, you can also have the student council make a weekly news, where they can send a video or photo with a message to the parents of the school with the highlights of the past week. In this way, students learn to determine how to get the right essence in a message. They also receive reactions from parents to the message and learn to deal with a social media-like environment, but then in a safe context.
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