Collecting voluntary parental contributions from the Parent Council (OR)
Own Zone in Ziber Team
Does your school use Ziber Team ? Then you can have a separate Ziber Zone created for the parent council in Ziber Team, where the school controls which functions are made available to the parent council. The parent council can then communicate with parents from the school, for example via messages , activities (meetings), payment requests and many other functions. This way, the parent council becomes an effective body that can make a positive contribution in a safe way.
Ease of use for the parent council
Create a payment request in Ziber Team , give it a name & description, choose the children whose parents should receive the payment request,... and publish to Ziber Kwieb ! The parents will see the payment request at the top of the timeline . We can't make it any easier for you :)
Insight and overview
Per payment request, you as a parent council will receive a nice overview of the payment status per child. This way you know how far you are. You can also withdraw payment requests if they have been unpaid for too long.
Parents pay faster if it is easy
The parental contribution is a voluntary contribution and the choice to pay is therefore up to the parents. The parent council cannot expect or enforce payment from parents. What the parent council can do is make it as easy as possible to pay, so that parents do it faster. We help with that! The payment request appears at the top of the timeline in Kwieb and you reach all (selected) parents directly, payment is also arranged for the parent with the push of a button, easy!
Privacy optimally guaranteed
If the parent council wants to share a payment request with the parents, the school will have to provide the parents with their contact details. This is quite difficult, given the current privacy regulations. By using the Ziber Kwieb app and a separate Ziber Zone for the parent council , no personal data will be shared with the parent council without the parent's permission. Safe & with respect for privacy .
Only transaction fees
To use this additional payment service, you as a parent council do not pay any subscription costs . The additional Ziber Zone is offered to you free of charge and you only pay a fixed (small) amount per successful transaction for the use of the payment function. This amount depends on the specific payment method that is valid in your country and/or chosen by the parent when paying (if you want to offer different payment methods). The one-off costs per successful transaction can be found on the rates page .