Absence notifications

Parents can report an absence themselves via the app and you will be informed directly as a team member involved. The management and administration have a complete overview of all absences from school or daycare. Of course, you can also report a student from your group absent yourself.

ZT Absentie EN

Who is absent today?

As a team member of a school or daycare, you will receive a handy overview of the children/pupils who are not present today via your Ziber Team app. Parents have entered these notifications themselves and you can supplement them with data if necessary. As a team member, you can also deregister a pupil/child yourself via the app. This way, the right people in the organization are informed and the administration remains up-to-date.

Ziber Team Dashboard

In the Dashboard you can see at a glance which students from your group are absent today.

ZT Absence Dashboard EN
Kwieb Absentie EN

Parents report sick via the app

Illness, GP, dentist, wedding or another reason. Parents can easily report it to the school or daycare via the Kwieb school app. If 1 parent reports it, the report goes to the administration and management of the school/daycare and of course to the teacher/group leader of the child in question. The partner of the parent is also informed that an absence report has been made for the child. In this way, all relevant persons remain informed.

Reason for absence

Your school or daycare organization determines whether you want to use the Absence Notifications in Kwieb. And if you want to use them, you can also set which of the reasons parents can choose when reporting their child absent. This way you can tailor this function exactly to your needs!










Premium Support

At Ziber we provide high quality personal support to both the school team and the parents.

Nice app
Works great and it's also nice that you can message the teacher and also reporting sick and better saves a phone call to school (where you first have to go through a menu of choices). In short, a solution.
App Store
Everything you need
You can find everything you need there. Ideal for reporting sick and getting better. Also when you need the teacher.
Google Play
Claudia Eyzinga
Sick reports via the app
Great app to stay up to date on everything at school. Great that you can report sick via the app.
Google Play
Amanda van den Berg

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