If your school or daycare does not use a pupil tracking system, the administration can now create pupils in the pupil management at Ziber .
Add students yourself
As an administration you go to the student management and here you can add one or more students via a simple screen. When creating the students, you can also directly link the parents.
Student tracking system
If you use a student tracking system (LAS) such as Parnassys, Esis or for childcare Kidsadmin, we have an automatic link for this. In this case, it is of course not necessary to add the students yourself and this is done automatically for you.
Do you not use a student tracking system? Then adding students yourself for your school or daycare might be a solution.
Invite parents
When you add the students, you can directly enter the e-mail addresses of the parents. The invitations for the parents are prepared. When all students have been entered, you can immediately send an invitation to all parents at the touch of a button.
Want to know more about adding a student yourself?
Read all about student management at https://support.ziber.eu/