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Photo album now also mobile!

A great innovation! The photo album can now also be used via the Ziber Teamapp on your phone. Together with your colleagues, upload photos directly from your mobile in a shared photo album. 

Directly from the phone

Where previously it was only possible to create a photo album from the desktop, this is now also possible from the phone. This saves a lot of time, since everyone has all their photos on their phone these days.

Shared photo album

Create a photo album together with your colleagues in which everyone can upload the photos they have taken. For example, it is not necessary to share the photos with each other first. 

Share with parents

You can share the photo album with the parents as you are used to from us. You can choose to share with the whole school, a group or with an individual student. 

Want to know more?

Read in our article how to create a photo album from your phone with the Ziber Teamapp https://support.ziber.eu/
