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Permission questions now also per group

The time has finally come! A frequently asked question: Can I only send permission questions to my group? Yes, from now on it is possible to ask permission to send to one group. 

Update permission questions

We've given the consent questions screen in the Teamapp Ziber a major update to make the consent questions screen even clearer and easier to use . In addition, it is also possible to share the permission request with a group, in addition to the entire school.

Who is the consent question for? 

Choose who this permission question is for: for the entire school or for  a specific group (you can also select multiple groups). 

Give your colleagues a warning

You can choose when your colleagues should receive an alert when they post messages or photos. For example, when they share something with the parents via the Kwieb app, they can first check which parents have given permission (and which have not). 

Would you like to know more about Ziber's consent questions?

Read all about the permission questions at https://support.ziber.eu/
