
Ask the parents for their opinion

Curious about the opinion of the parents? Start a Poll now. With this new poll function, the school team, works council, MR or student council can easily gauge the opinion of the parents. 

Start poll

Ask the parents for their opinion via the Poll. When creating a Poll, you ask the parents a short question. You can give the answers yourself on which the parents can give their vote. There is also the possibility to let the parents fill in an answer themselves. 


Inform the parents of the result of the Poll. You can choose to share the standings or the final results. The parents can then see these results on their timeline, and you can also choose to keep the results only within the team and not share them with the parents. 

Want to know more about creating a Poll?

Go to https://support.ziber.nl/hc/en/sections/360002600517-Polls
