Start a chat conversation via the Topics function!

With the handy conversation function you can quickly coordinate something with the parents of a child. Or you can create a group conversation with multiple parents and team members, for example to coordinate a school trip. Parents have the possibility to translate the texts into their own preferred language, so that everyone understands each other.

ZT Topics EN

Start chat conversations with parents via Ziber Team

The Topics chat function is very valuable for primary schools and childcare organisations. You can send a message to 1 or more parents at the same time. Do you also want to let your duo colleague know what you are discussing with the parents? Then you can easily add them to the conversation. Thanks to theautomatic translation function, parents can always read your message in their own language. Do you want to share a photo or a document with parents in a secure way? Then that is also possible in this chat function.

Chat conversations that haven't been used in a while are automatically archived, so you can keep track. The Do Not Disturb function ensures that you only receive notifications of updates in conversations when you want to be available.

Talk to a parent 1-on-1 or start a group conversation

Also let another parent, your duo or an internal supervisor participate in the conversation.

Kwieb Topics EN

Parents can also send a message

Of course, parents also have the opportunity to send a message to people from your school or daycare. There are some restrictions on this, such as that a parent can select a maximum of 3 team members to send a message to (for example, the two teachers of their child's group and an internal supervisor). When creating a message to school, the parent can also add their own partner, so that they are also informed about the conversation. Parents cannot start a conversation with another parent from school.

Choose a topic

Optionally, daycare/school can choose to make it mandatory for parents to select a topic for the chat conversation they want to start. For example, parents can choose from a compliment for the teacher, a question about homework or a fun idea. This way, the teacher or group leader knows immediately what the conversation is about.

Topics with translation function!

With Topics you can have a complete conversation with a parent, each in their own language. The chat messages are translated, without you having to do anything, to the “preferred language” that is set in the parent’s profile. As a teacher or group leader you can simply send a chat message from your own language and the parent reads the message in their preferred language (and vice versa). How convenient!


4.7 out of 5

Highest rating

The Kwieb app has been rated best by parents in the app stores.

Clear app
Clear app. Well-arranged. The conversations remain for a long time, do not disappear immediately. Colorful 🙂! You can start a topic directly. Agenda is also well-arranged.
Google Play
Yolanda Sijm
Never wait long
Good that Kwieb does exist, to see all the nice school info and photos you are never too late! You can also send a message to the teacher and for an answer you never wait hours.
Google Play
Anuska Aneczka

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